Our virtual trainings are a great alternative to in-person workshops, coaching or keynotes.
They bring the same amount of impactful information with great activities and opportunity for engagement as our other various in-person trainings would.
These virtual mini-workshops are anywhere from 1-3 hours long and are designed to keep employees connected, supported and productive while working remotely.
Examples of our workshops are described below:
Increase Your Resilience and Well-Being
This workshop will introduce three ways you can recover more easily from setbacks and challenges during this time of crisis. Resilience and happiness are positively correlated – when one increases, so does the other.
Anxiety: Recognizing and Stopping the Cycle of Worry
When you experience anxiety, it is because you are having thoughts about the past or worries about the future. Anxiety is fairly common amongst adults and children in this country, and it impacts one’s quality of life. During this workshop, we will discuss practical strategies for managing anxiety during these uncertain times.
Mindful Workplaces: Improve Relationships, Morale and Job Effectiveness
Mindfulness is a practice that can have many positive effects, including a reduction in stress, the ability to pause and think before responding, and overall feelings of gratitude and wellbeing. Beginning a personal mindfulness practice and learning how to be more mindful at work helps to foster empathy, self-awareness and an increased ability to focus and pay attention. During this workshop, you will learn mindfulness practices that can easily be incorporated throughout the day. Click here to learn more about mindfulness in the workplace.
10 Natural Ways to Boost Your Mood
Depression doesn’t always present as a major depressive disorder. Sometimes it can manifest as a constant, low mood and/or irritability. During the workshop we will discuss the symptoms of depression and how to recognize it, as well as how to improve your mood with nutrition and exercise and other research-based practice.
Motivation and Goal Setting
Are you suddenly being asked to work from home and struggling with how to structure your day, take care of children, and still be productive? Do you ever feel like you are just not motivated?… like you just don’t have the focus needed to complete a project or task? During this workshop, we will talk about Daniel Pink’s research on motivation, and how to set goals and crush them!
Steps You Can Take to Experience a Restful Sleep
With the stresses we are experiencing right now, it can be difficult to slow down your thoughts and get a good, restful sleep – the kind of sleep where you feel refreshed and renewed in the morning. Sleep is highly correlated with mental and physical health, and also. better equips us to manage the stress in our lives. During this workshop, we will be looking at several things you can do to improve sleep quality and duration.
Neuroplasticity: You Have the Ability to Become Happier
Scientists used to believe that the brain was fixed – that the size, shape and functioning of the brain would remain constant throughout the lifespan. The exciting research on neuroplasticity tells a different story. Even though our brains are wired to spot danger and see the negative more easily, this workshop will provide you with ways to change your behaviors, create new habits and ultimately, create more happiness in your life!
Managing Difficult Conversations
Effectively managing difficult conversations in the workplace is an important skill that can be practiced and continually fine tuned. Conversations can be difficult for a variety of reasons, including a high stake or controversial topic, a personality conflict, or a history of prior negative interactions between individuals. During this workshop you will learn four crucial steps that will enable you to communicate effectively:
Do your homework and be prepared
Keep your emotions regulated and remain calm
Check your mindset and visualize the outcome
Be a mindful communicator
By following these simple steps, you will no longer dread or avoid difficult conversations, but will face the with confidence, knowing that you have the skills needed to achieve your objectives.
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Think of Emotional Intelligence as “a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.” While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional intelligence is also not a static factor – to the contrary, one’s emotional intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas. During the workshop, you will learn how to improve your self-awareness, self-management and social awareness, all of which will have a positive impact on your work performance.